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Our gift officers can work with you on ideas for structuring your gift. Together, we will ensure your donation delivers the biggest impact.

Asset Giving

The simplest way to support Sunshine Communities is through cash gifts, however, other creative gifts of assets include:

  • Stocks, bonds, and other securities
  • Real estate including vacation homes, undeveloped land, farmland, commercial property
  • Automobiles or other vehicles
  • Artwork and collectibles
  • Commodities

These gifts provide you with charitable deductions and can offer additional tax savings as well.

Corporate Philanthropy

Build customer loyalty and align your employees’ desire to give back while supporting our mission. Our team will work with you to discover the best possible fit including:

  • Aligning your gift with a specific program or specialty, or supporting the areas of greatest need
  • Partnering to submit a corporate grant application
  • Event sponsorships
  • Leveraging your expertise and merchandise for in-kind gift and cause marketing opportunities
  • Creating opportunities for employees to make a difference in the community through workplace giving campaigns or volunteer opportunities

Planned Giving and the Engler Society

The Engler Society, named after our founders Roy and Georgette Engler, enables its members to change lives and create community for the future. Your gift becomes a personal legacy of services and support for people with developmental disabilities, one in which the benefits extend far beyond your lifetime. There are more than 85 members who have made a commitment to Sunshine. We invite you to join them.

Leave a legacy that aligns your values to Sunshine’s mission through these ways to give:

  • Bequest – You can include Sunshine Foundation, Inc. in your will or revocable trust. You may change your estate designation at any time, and your bequest to Sunshine will qualify for a 100% charitable deduction from your estate for tax purposes. More importantly, you are ensuring the future work of Sunshine for decades to come.
  • Donor-Advised Fund – By contributing to a charitable giving account offered by a sponsoring organization, donors contribute cash or other assets with a fair market value to a foundation. The donor then directs the foundation to make distributions to their favorite charities. 
  • Life Insurance – You can name Sunshine Foundation, Inc. the beneficiary of a life insurance policy or a policy that has outlasted its original purpose.
  • Retirement plans such as 401(k), pension, or other tax-deferred plans. Donating part or all of your unused retirement assets helps avoid potential estate tax and allows your heirs to avoid income tax on any retirement assets funded on a pre-tax basis, or to receive potential estate tax savings from an estate tax deduction.
  • IRA Qualified Charitable Distribution – If you are 70 ½ years old or older, you can give up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a qualified charitable institution without having to pay income taxes on the donation. 
  • Charitable Lead Trusts - Provide funds for immediate needs while also providing an inheritance for your heirs in the future. Under this innovative gift arrangement, you irrevocably transfer assets to a trust, which provides annual payments to Sunshine Foundation, Inc. for a certain number of years or until the end of your lifetime. The principal is then distributed to one or more designated individuals such as yourself or your beneficiaries. 
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts – Provide income security for you or your family and long-term support for our mission. This option allows you to convert highly appreciated assets into a source of income for life or a specific number of years. The donor receives a charitable deduction upon creating and funding the trust and then receives regular designated payouts for the trust’s term. Upon your death (or the end of the trust’s term), the remaining balance goes to Sunshine Foundation, Inc. to help future generations. This type of trust allows you to defer and possibly minimize capital gains taxes on your contributed assets and/or reduce the estate tax on assets passed on to your heirs.
  • Pledges: You may find it easier to make a more significant gift by making a pledge payable over several years. 

Information provided is general and educational in nature and should not be construed as legal, accounting, or tax advice. Every taxpayer’s situation is different. Rules and regulations regarding tax deductions for charitable giving vary, and laws of a specific state or laws relevant to a particular situation may affect the applicability, accuracy or completeness of the information provided. Please consult an attorney or tax advisor regarding your specific legal or tax situation prior to taking any action based on this information.

Learn more about our fundraising efforts by contacting a member of our Donor Relations team.

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